President of the Republic of India, His Excellency, Hon. Ram Nath Kovind (centre), and First Lady, Savita Kovind (third left), officially open the newly renovated gazebo in the India-Jamaica Friendship Garden on Monday (May 16). The property is located at the Hope Royal Botanical Gardens in St. Andrew. The gazebo was renovated by the Ashish Community Health Organisation, which is headed by brothers Dr. Nagendra Babu Chandolu (left), and Dr. Nagamalleswara Rao Chandolu (second left). Sharing the moment are wife of the Governor-General, Her Excellency, the Most Hon. Lady Allen (second right), and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. (third right). The event formed part of the four-day State Visit by the President and First Lady, from May 15 to 18. PHOTO: YHOMO HUTCHINSON

Jamaica Information Services (JIS)

KINGSTON, Jamaica – May 17, 2022 — The India-Jamaica Friendship Garden, which serves as a symbol of the long-standing relations between the two countries, was officially inaugurated on Monday (May 16) at the Hope Royal Botanical Gardens in St. Andrew.

The event was part of the four-day State visit to Jamaica by President of the Republic of India, His Excellency, the Hon. Ram Nath Kovind, and First Lady, Savita Kovind.

President of the Republic of India, His Excellency, Hon. Ram Nath Kovind (fourth), and First Lady, Savita Kovind (centre), observe as wife of the Governor-General, Her Excellency, the Most Hon. Lady Allen, plants a Sandalwood tree in the India-Jamaica Friendship Garden, which was opened on Monday (May 16) at the Hope Royal Botanical Gardens in St. Andrew. Among the guests sharing the moment is Minister of Education and Youth and Member of Parliament for St. Andrew Eastern, where Hope Gardens is located, Hon. Fayval Williams (right). The event formed part of the four-day State Visit by the President and First Lady, from May 15 to 18. PHOTO: YHOMO HUTCHINSON

During the inauguration ceremony, the President and the First Lady were joined by wife of the Governor General, Her Excellency, the Most Hon. Lady Allen, in unveiling a commemorative plaque at the entrance of the garden , the opening of a renovated gazebo, and planting of three Sandalwood trees, which are native to Southern India.

The creation of the India-Jamaica Friendship Garden was facilitated under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between the Indian High Commission in Jamaica and the Nature Preservation Foundation (NPF) in November 2021.

Its establishment is in keeping with the development plans for Hope Gardens and will primarily accommodate medicinal trees.

Among the guests at the Garden’s opening, were members of the Chandolu family, who sponsored the gazebo.

The family, which in 2014 relocated from India to Annotto Bay, St. Mary, where they operate a medical practice, renovated the structure under their Ashish Community Health Organization, a philanthropic body that was established in 2015.

Dr. Nagendra Babu Chandolu, who formed the charity with his brother, Dr. Nagamalleswara Rao Chandolu, told JIS News that the organisation provides support to persons in need of assistance.

He said the Indian High Commission had reached out and invited the organisation to participate in engagements to establish the Friendship Garden.

“We have come to Hope Gardens so many times and we enjoy this place. So, my brother and I thought that since we are benefiting from Hope Gardens, which is nice and pleasant, let us, as a family, contribute to the Friendship Garden, and we decided to just rebuild the gazebo,” Dr. Chandolu indicated, noting that the renovation was completed in just over a week.

He told JIS News his family is proud and honoured to participate in the project.

Among the other officials attending the opening of the garden were Minister of Education and Youth and Member of Parliament for St. Andrew Eastern where Hope Gardens is situated, Hon. Fayval Williams; Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., and State Minister, Hon. Franklyn Witter; Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation (Environment), Senator the Hon. Matthew Samuda; and India’s High Commissioner to Jamaica, His Excellency Rungsung Masakui.

The visit to Jamaica by the Indian President and First Lady coincides with the celebration of Jamaica’s 60th year of Independence.