Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis speaking at the ACMF Awards Gala at the Fort Lauderdale Yacht Club on Friday, November 12.

NASSAU, Bahamas — In keeping with the Davis Administration’s commitment to supporting the cultivation of new opportunities and empowering the Bahamian community, Prime Minister Hon. Philip “Brave” Davis attended The American Caribbean Maritime Foundation (ACMF) 2021 Anchor Awards on Friday, November 12,2021, at the Fort Lauderdale Yacht Club in Florida.

Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis (right) with Jamaica Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett at the ACMF Awards Gala.

This year’s Anchor Awards honorees were Harriat Pershad Maragagh (posthumous), Chairman/CEO of The Lannaman & Morris Group of Companies, and Alyse Lisk, Senior Vice President, Technology and Operational Excellence at TOTE Inc.

Based in New York, ACMF is a non-profit organization that supports Caribbean students studying maritime in the region. The organization’s mission is to alleviate poverty and transform lives in the Caribbean through maritime education and community development.

ACMF has awarded 59 full tuition scholarships and grants funding students from The Bahamas, St. Vincent, the Grenadines, Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago.

In his remarks at the event, Prime Minister Davis highlighted the importance of the Blue Economy, noting that his administration is “fully committed to the development of the Blue Economy as a high priority item on our agenda.”

“This commitment was articulated in the context of diversifying our economy to spur economic growth, with all the implications that has for increasing employment, generating wealth and expanding opportunities,” the Prime Minister said.

Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis with Joy Jibrilu, Bahamas Ministry of Tourism Director General, at the ACMF Awards Gala.

Prime Minister Davis expressed hope for the government to capitalize on the potential of The Bahamas to move from a Small Island State to a nation that maximizes its Big Ocean State potential.

He noted that the government hopes to do so by managing, promoting and developing resources on the sea, which includes shipping, resources in the sea itself, such as fisheries, and resources on the seabed itself such as our coral reefs, mangroves and sea grasses.

“The Blue Economy – our maritime economy – is of vital strategic importance to the development of The Bahamas,” said the Prime Minister.