Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis addresses the opening of the Caribbean Hotels Investment Conference and Operations Summit. (BIS Photo)

NASSAU, Bahamas — Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said yesterday that tourist bookings for the next quarter are at “historically high levels”, as he attributed the optimistic outlook to declining COVID cases in The Bahamas, The Nassau Guardian reported on Friday, November 12.

Davis said his government’s decision to get rid of the state of emergency shows that The Bahamas “is safely and wisely opening for business”.

“The expansion in testing, the rapid increase in vaccination uptake, and improvement in tracing contacts seem to be having the desired effect,” Davis said at the opening of the Caribbean Hotels Investment Conference and Operations Summit.

“Levels of infection are waning. Hospitalizations are falling. Restrictions on international travel are in line with globally accepted safety protocols.

“As a result, our tourist numbers are rising and bookings for the next quarter and beyond are at historically high levels.”

Davis noted that the completion of the new Nassau Cruise Port, which is scheduled to open in the summer of next year, is also expected to bring record tourist numbers.

“The project is transforming the Prince George Wharf into a modern, world-class destination and one of the greatest waterfronts of the world,” he said.

“Before COVID-19, the port of Nassau attracted 3.7 million passengers per year. With the opening of the new cruise port, we expect to surpass those numbers.”

The optimistic projections come after nearly two years of low numbers as a result of COVID. See complete article in The Nassau Guardian at


CAPTION: Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis addresses the opening of the Caribbean Hotels Investment Conference and Operations Summit. (BIS Photo)