Prime Minister Philip E. Davis interacts with students at Sister Annie Thompson Government Preschool

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis posted a  collection of photos on Facebook on Thursday, June:15, 2023, taken during his  visit to Sister Annie Thompson Government Preschool. We decided to share some them with readers of our online publication BAHAMAS CHRONICLE, which has a huge following among the Bahamian diaspora across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and, of course, The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean. The Prime Minister posted the photos with the following: narrative

“My heart is full after visiting Sister Annie Thompson Government Preschool on Sutton Street this morning. These children put a smile on my face. They are the reason we worked so hard to repair and re-open schools for the return of in-person learning. They are what motivated us to find every child and bring thousands of students back to school this year.
As Prime Minister, these children are one of my top priorities, which is why we are increasing school funding for programmes to address learning recovery, modernizing our curriculum, creating more opportunities for teacher training, and launching a free breakfast programme.
As this school year comes to a close, I want to thank our wonderful educators; we could not have made it back to the classroom without you and your heroic commitment to our children this year and always.
And to all our incredible students out there, congratulations on finishing the school year! Don’t forget I’m rooting for you every step of the way, and I can’t wait to see what you achieve next year.”