ABACO — Residents of Abaco were given their first official information concerning a major development being considered for South Abaco as the developer held a public meeting in Sandy Point on April 9 to share details and answer questions, The Abaconian reported April 19.
The project was initially revealed by Minister of Tourism Dionisio D’Aguilar during a town meeting in Marsh Harbour in December of 2018, with the Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minis, revealing a bit more in his National Address in January of this year.
Dr. Minnis revealed a proposed “Tyrsoz family” project that will bring a $580 million investment in South Abaco for the “development of a five-star residential resort and marina which will involve the upgrade and expansion of the Sandy Point airstrip, the development of Sandy Point ferry dock as a cargo transshipment port and construction area, and the extension of Queen’s Highway in South Abaco.”
The Tyrsoz Family Holdings town meeting was headed by Ra’anan “Ronnie” Ben-Zur, the company’s financial advisor and real estate developer
Mr. Ben-Zur shared with the audience, numbered well over 100 persons from all parts of Abaco, that the Tyrsoz is a company made up of his six children and that he is heading the project for them. http://www.theabaconian.com/2019/04/19/public-meeting-held-concerning-580-million-south-abaco-development/?fbclid=IwAR0g_oKvUwvulQ-jv-NeaX4-d3821cPu1CKDri3oDCe2mMGCKBloyool7NU