NASSAU, Bahamas — The Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin, Minister of Education and Technical and Vocational Training, posted a collection of photos on Facebook on Sunday, May 28, and we decided to share some of them with readers of BAHAMAS CHRONICLE, which has a huge following among the Bahamian diaspora across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and, of course, The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean. The photos were posted with the following narrative:
RBDF outstanding Rangers graduates awarded at Passing Out Ceremony: RBDF Base (Charlecia Colebrooke, Aquinas College; Dakari Joseph, Aquinas College; Eric Bodie, A.F. Adderley Jr High; Haley Deveaux, St. Andrew’s School; Isis Guillaume, C.H. Reeves Jr High; Janae Fritz, Akhepran Academy; Kevin Williams, C.H. Reeves Jr High; Khara Bodie, Aquinas College; Stephon Walkes, R.M. Bailey Sr High; Vejay Meadows, Aquinas College.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Commodore of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) in the Minustry of National Security is Dr Raymond E. King. Commodore King enlisted in the Defence Force in January 1987 serving onboard HMBS Exuma and HMBS David Tucker as a Marine then Able Mechanic through 1989. In November 1989, Commodore King was granted an appointment as a Midshipman, completed his officer training at the Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, England in 1990 and received his commission in 1992.
During his career, Commodore King held various afloat and ashore-based appointments ranging from Commanding, Executive, Operations, and Navigation Officer including Administrative Command billets respectively.
Sea-going command appointments comprise: Commanding Officer of HMBS Nassau, Commanding Officer HMBS Yellow Elder, Commanding Officer HMBS P42, and Commanding Officer P37. Other operational appointments include: Executive and Operations Officer HMBS Bahamas, Executive Officer HMBS Port Nelson, and Navigation Officer HMBS Yellow Elder.
Administrative Command Billets consists of: Acting Commander Defence Force, Deputy Commander Defence Force, Commander Administration; Commanding Officer, Southern Command; Training Officer; Personnel Officer (HQ); and Administration and Human Resource Officer (CHB). Additionally, Commander King has served two tours as the Assistant Base Supply Officer, Coral Harbour Base.
Commodore King has participated in many international courses and maintains fellowships with the Inter-American Defence College, United States Defence Institute of International Legal Studies, Center for Hemispheric Defence Studies, Navy Supply Corps School, United States Naval War College and the Maritime Port Authority of Singapore. .
Academically, Commodore King has attained a Doctor of Education Degree, Masters of Business Administration Degree, Bachelor of Arts Degree and an Associate of Science Degree.