Philip “Brave” Davis, leader of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP),  speaking at the official opening of the Elizabeth Constituency office of Jobeth Coleby-Davis.

NASSAU, Bahamas  – Following are remarks delivered by the Hon. Philip “Brave” Davis, leader of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), at the official opening of the office of  the PLP candidate for the Elizabeth Constituency, Jobeth Coleby-Davis, on Fox Hill Road on Monday, April , 2021.


Elizabeth, let me ask you something…

I have a question for you….

Elizabeth, do you think The Bahamas is ready for change?

Do you think The Bahamas is ready for a government that knows what it’s doing?

Do you think The Bahamas is ready for leaders who actually care about people?


Thank you, Elizabeth, for your warm welcome.

It’s wonderful to be here for the opening of the PLP constituency office under the leadership of Jobeth Coleby-Davis.

I know she’s worked hard to earn your support and friendship.

Jobeth is a talented professional, a loving wife and mother, and she has been a strong advocate for the Bahamian people in the Senate.

As a PLP aspirant and later a ratified candidate, she’s worked with you on community projects.

I know that when Elizabeth sends Jobeth to Parliament – y’all ready to do that, right?!! – I know that when Elizabeth sends Jobeth to Parliament, she will be a passionate fighter for you and your families.

She going to help build a stronger and more inclusive Bahamian economy.

Jobeth will be a part of a PLP team that will reduce VAT, delivering some much-needed economic relief and boosting our local economy.

She will help us implement our Economic Plan, which focuses on creating jobs, because there’s nothing more important right now than creating lots of jobs – all kinds of jobs for all kinds of Bahamians.

You know, I want to talk to you about something that’s really impressed me:

We all know people who have lost their jobs in this terrible economy.  Some of you have, too, and I know how hard it’s been. When we talk about 40% unemployed, we are talking about our siblings, our friends, our neighbors. No family has been unaffected.

But how many of you know people who found another way to earn income during this time? Everywhere I look I see the strength and ingenuity of Bahamians who have drawn upon their talents to start new ventures.

That’s why a PLP government will provide $250 million in support to small businesses.

We believe that giving Bahamians the tools to change their own lives is the best way to strengthen our economy and transform our country.

Let me tell you why it’s so important to have a government that’s in touch – just before the holiday weekend, from one moment to the next, and with no warning, the government imposed a PCR test requirement for travel from Harbour Island and Eleuthera.

This left many Bahamians frantic and burdened with hundreds of dollars in additional costs they didn’t plan for.

This way of acting has characterized the government’s COVID response from the very beginning – they simply don’t care whether their orders keep families apart or hurt the local economy.

Free testing has always been the right thing to do morally, but it’s always been the right thing to do economically, too – that’s why a number of countries in our region have offered free tests. But here in The Bahamas, the high costs of PCR tests have been one element keeping our economy down.

I think “it’s the people’s time” is the biggest broken promise in Bahamian history, what y’all think?

Remember Campaign Minnis? That’s the version of Minnis you see when all those red shirts come out.

You know the Minnis I’m talking about, right? The Minnis who promises transparency and accountability? The Minnis who said he’d put in place a fixed election date? The Minnis who said he was for the poor?

Remember him? Well, he’s back! Campaign Minnis, 2021 edition, has all kinds of new promises, even though he’s failed to keep his old ones.

We can’t afford another five years of this, my friends.

The middle class in our country is barely holding on.

Let’s work together for change.

Let’s work together for an economy that doesn’t leave people out.

Let’s work for a level playing field.

Let’s work for a Bahamas that can provide economic security for all of our children.

Let’s do it together, Elizabeth!

Thank you and God bless.