Pictured seated from left to right at the signing of an Industrial Agreement are: Wendy Craigg, Chairman of the Bahamas Air Navigational Services Authority (BANSA); Lenn King, BANSA Director;  Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper;  Hinsey McKenzie, BANSA President; and  BANSA Secretary General. In the back row: Director of Aviation Dr. Kenneth Romer (third from right) and BANSA and Union Officials along with Negotiators Father James Palacious (second from right) and Bernard Evans (right).


WASHINGTON, D.C., November 3, 2023 – Dr. Kenneth Romer, Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Tourism, Investments & Aviation, today posted a collection of photos on Facebook accompanied by a special tribute to “local Aviators,” whom he described as “a hardworking and committed team of professionals who oftentimes go unnoticed and uncelebrated in the important roles they execute domestically and internationally.”

I absolutely had to share the photos he posted and his comments with readers of my online publication, BAHAMAS CHRONICLE, which has a huge following among the Bahamian diaspora across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom as well as in The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean.

Dr. Kenneth Romer addresses attendees at the official opening ceremony of the first-ever Aviation Week and the 39th Annual Regional Meeting of The International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Association

Noting that air traffic controllers “hold a special place in my heart and agenda,” Dr. Romer added, “As a teenager, my first summer job was with Air Traffic Control and ‘many’ years later I am honoured to serve alongside and support them as The Director of Aviation. Some of the ones who welcomed me back then are still there.”

He then added this direct quote, “It is true, the seed we sow today, may become the harvest we reap tomorrow” – Dr. Kenneth Romer. Kudos to my ATC Family!

Dr. Kenneth  Romer along with Air Traffic Controllers at the Official Aviation Week welcome reception held at Balmoral Club Nassau

Continuing he noted, “Truth be told, the entire Aviation Ecosystem, comprising over 8 Agencies, is for the most part, a hardworking and committed team of professionals, who oftentimes go unnoticed and uncelebrated in the important roles they execute domestically and internationally. The region affirmed their respect for our local Aviators as we recently hosted the 39th International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Regional Meeting, as part of the first ever Bahamas Aviation Week.

I am a product of your labor and God’s grace! Join me in celebrating and appreciating our Aviation Professionals, everywhere!