(EDITOR’S NOTE: I do not know Elkino E. Dames, who writes a blog on Facebook entitled, “The Thoughts and Sayings of Elkino E. Dames,” but I really liked this tribute to Roscoe A.L. Davies, whom I knew very well, and although it I short, I thought I would share it with readers of BAHAMAS CHONICLE.)
NASSAU, Bahamas, July 13, 2021 — He led a life that was so inspiring that he inspired and continues to inspire people, who have never had the pleasure to be in his presence.
Having the common touch is an understatement, a remarkable leader in every aspect of his life, A loving husband, an excellent father, a mentor, a sport enthusiast, soccer legend and the Epitome of Freemasonry.
His accomplishments are too many to scribe. He surely has lived the life of five men.
Enjoy your well-earned rest my brother; for the many paths you have blazed, we are grateful. To your loving family we extend our sincerest condolences. May the Grand Architect provide them with comfort at this time. May the celestial shores cheer you on as you recieve your well-earned crown.
EDITOR’S NOTE: I started my journalistic career as a sports reporter at The Nassau Daily Tribune in 1960, so I got to know Roscoe A.L. Davies very well as one of The Bahamas’ outstanding soccer players. Indeed, I think there is a Soccer Field in New Providence named in his honour. But he was most revered in the country for his commitment to Freemasonry, the leading fraternal organization in the world. Rest in Peace Mr. Davies.)