Lou-Anne Gaylene Gilchrist, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’ Permanent Representative to the OAS, has assumed the chair of the Permanent Council until September 30, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. –The Permanent Representative of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to the Organization of American States (OAS), Lou-Anne Gaylene Gilchrist, on Friday, July 1, assumed the chair of the Permanent Council until September 30, 2022.

Ambassador Gilchrist highlighted the role played by the two previous Chairs who are also members of CARICOM, alluding to Saint Lucia and Saint Kitts and Nevis, and announced the main objectives of her mandate.

“During this trimester, negotiations for the 52nd regular session of the Assembly General will occur. The Chair therefore entreats delegations to negotiate in good faith, with respect for others opinions, postures and the principles of their domestic law as agreements are sought and consensus is built,” said the Caribbean diplomat.

Meanwhile, the outgoing Chair of the Council, the Permanent Representative of Saint Lucia, Elizabeth Darius-Clarke, also appreciated that her successor in the Chair is a member of CARICOM and expressed her willingness to continue working in the Council “to improve the quality of life of our peoples.”

“The last three months was quite a busy period, with many of us heavily invested in the Summit of the Americas and budget negotiations. I am however pleased at all that we have accomplished together. As I pass on the baton, I look forward to working with all of you for the betterment of our people,” added Ambassador Darius-Clarke.

The Permanent Representative of the Dominican Republic, Josué Fiallo, will serve as Vice Chair of the Council.

The Chair of the Permanent Council rotates every three months among the member states of the Organization, in descending alphabetical order. The Vice Chair also rotates every three months, but in reverse alphabetical order.