(EDITOR’S NOTE: On its Facebook page, the Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) heartily congratulated “Jimmy Sands, a cherished Grand Bahama entrepreneur, on the reopening of the Bahamian Brewery,” adding that “Clearly, it will take more than an unprecedented hurricane and a global pandemic to keep him down!” GBPA President Ian Rolle stated, “We admire the Brewery’s dedication, not only to the business community, but to their employees and their families who they supported through recovery during these challenging times.”)
NASSAU, Bahamas — A Bahamian brewery yesterday hailed the return of its own-brand beers as the difference between “being in business or out of business” after surviving for a year on just 35 percent of normal revenues, The Tribune reported on September 29 in an article written by Business Editor Neil Hartnell.
Jimmy Sands, the Bahamian Brewery and Beverage Company’s founder, told Tribune Business the firm had struck “a hell of a milestone” as the “first full run” of its Sands and Sands Light beers came off the production line almost 13 months after its manufacturing plant was devastated by Hurricane Dorian’s storm surge.

Disclosing that the vertically-integrated brewer, wholesaler and retailer “has a chance of survival now that we’re back in business”, Mr Sands said the loss of brewing capacity meant the firm had to ride out the past year and COVID-19 without 65 percent – almost two-thirds – of its regular income streams.
Praising his workforce and expatriate German technicians for “a real team effort” to rebuild the Bahamian Brewery and Beverage Company, he voiced optimism that all 140 of his staff will be able to return to full-time employment by end-October with the restoration of brewing capacity.
While the COVID-19 pandemic initially forced him to furlough 100 workers, Mr Sands said some 120 were now “back to work” as he unveiled a second target to accomplish before October’s close – that of ensuring Sands and Sands Light were once again fully distributed throughout The Bahamas.
Although the brewery will be operating at 85-90 percent capacity for some two months as it “gets all the tweaks out of” its new equipment, the Bahamian Brewery and Beverage chief said he aimed to begin production in November on all the company’s other lines – Strong Back Stout, High Rock Lager, Bush Crack Beer, Triple B Malt and Sands Passion Radler.
And, having seemingly survived the loss of “tens of millions of dollars” due to the loss of Dorian, Mr Sands expressed hope that the company’s comeback will serve as an inspiration to other Freeport and Grand Bahama business owners that there is “light at the end of the tunnel” as they, too, seek to rebound from the twin perils produced by Dorian and COVID-19. See the complete Tribune article at http://www.tribune242.com/news/2020/sep/29/sands-beer-comeback-survival-difference-maker/