(EDITOR’S NOTE: I decided to share this wonderful Facebook post by Seabreeze MP Leslia Brice as a Guest Commentary with readers of BAHAMAS CHRONICLE because I think its inspiring message deserves wider coverage.)
NASSAU, Bahamas, March 10, 2023 — “We are a Christian nation and many countries don’t have the privilege to worship freely.” — “I love my Bahamian food.” — “We have the best beaches.” — “We Love our culture.”

These were just a few reasons the students at Temple Christian High School love being Bahamian! 🇧🇸
It was an honour to address the students at Temple Christian School this week. This was my very first school, so it was great to be back home. The students gave an excellent performance showcasing their Bahamian spirit and pride and I thoroughly enjoyed being amongst them.
This generation has the opportunity and responsibility to shape the next 50 years of this country. Their ideas, positive contributions and achievements will add to the progress of this country. As we begin to start a new chapter for 50 years and beyond, I urge all Parents/Guardians to encourage our youths to tap into the creatives and culture industries to share their talents and gifts locally and internationally.
I wish to thank the administrative staff, the principal Mr. Perry Cunningham, and especially the students of Temple Christian School for inviting me and allowing me to be a part of the celebration!