Sir Franklyn Wilson, Chairman of Arawak Homes

NASSAU, Bahamas, Nov. 1, 2023 — Arawak Homes Chairman Sir Franklyn Wilson and Minister of Health Dr. Michael Darville yesterday fired back at suggestions made by former Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis that cronyism is driving a decision by the Davis administration to acquire land from Sir Franklyn to construct a new hospital on New Providence, The Nassau Guardian reported today in an article written by Rachel Scott.

Both men spoke after they were contacted by The Nassau Guardian yesterday with Sir Franklyn stressing that he does not even want to sell the land, and Darville stating that 14 acres of the 50 acres the government is eyeing for the project are Sir Franklyn’s and the government is pleased that he is not standing in the way of the project moving forward.


Sir Franklyn said Minnis, a former prime minister, should be ashamed of the inaccurate picture he painted in the House of Assembly on Monday.

“His attack on me yesterday in Parliament was so uncalled for and wrong,” he said.

Sir Franklyn noted the law will determine how his company is compensated.

Under the principle of eminent domain, the government has the power to acquire private property for public use and provide just compensation.

“We ain’t asking for no favors, we ain’t looking for no favors and we don’t want no favors,” Sir Franklyn said.

He said the company acquired the land as a result of a controversy involving the late Phenton Neymour, a former Free National Movement (FNM) parliamentarian.

“If the government could find an alternative piece of land, we are totally happy to keep our land,” he said.

“… They told us what they told you. And we said we will not stand in the way despite our preference to keep our land.”

Sir Franklyn said he also spoke directly with Minnis about the issue.

“The fact of the matter is it’s a disgrace for a former prime minister to go to Parliament and talk foolishness like that. It’s a disgrace.”

Minnis said, “In this particular instance, we have produced two separate appraisals … and we think both are low. We would prefer if the government would say, ‘Fine, yes keep your land. … But it’s a public purpose and it’s a public good.”

The Davis administration has pledged to construct a $290 million hospital on New Providence.

But in Parliament on Monday, Minnis said his administration had left more efficient plans in place for a project to improve healthcare on the island.


“My administration left in place a project to build a new wing at PMH (Princess Margaret Hospital), a four-story complex to be built just east of the Critical Care block,” he said. “It would have been finished by now. If the PLP had continued with our good work, better service would be here for our people. The hospital the PLP promises to build would partially be on land owned by the company of Sir Franklyn.”

Minnis questioned whether Sir Franklyn would receive land in a swap, and if so, whether it would be a tract that his administration had planned as a subdivision for young Bahamians.

“How much will Sir Franklyn’s company get paid or will there be a land swap?” he asked. “And if so, what government land will be given to this company? Will the land be in the Family Islands? Will it be Carmichael or will it be Prospect [Ridge], the land that was reserved for the young professionals? … I am skeptical that the PLP will build and open a new hospital in New Providence before the end of the term.

“I think the prime minister has really messed this up. His administration killed a project that would have already built a major wing of the hospital and instead are all mixed up with the proposed hospital and a land deal. This is the same prime minister who every time he talks PMH says he is shocked at the state of it.”

See complete article in The Nassau Guardian at