(EDITOR’S NOTE: Given the recent news that have surfaced in The Bahamas relative to proposals for developmental projects for the island of my birth, I thought I would share with readers of BAHAMAS CHRONICLE this very appropriate presentation delivered at the Andros Business Outlook in June of 2019 by fellow Androsian Judson J. Wilmott, a Professional Engineer who is Vice President of Construction Engineering & Development).
NASSAU, Bahamas — It is my professional view that any attempt to develop Andros without setting up and enacting zoned municipal (city) districts is a detrimental hotbed for economic and social chaos coupled with corruption, crime, and mismanagement of government affairs.
An Andros that is lacking in proper and well-balanced zoning practices will become an ad hoc breeding ground for special interest dominance and political manipulation by unscrupulous community leaders, political cronies, powerful politicians, and predatory foreign investors.
We cannot afford to make the same costly mistakes as has been made in the development of New Providence Island.

As many of you are cognizant, the communities of New Providence are infested by the influx of overnight “pop-up” commercial businesses that are not authorized to be situated legally where they now reside. This array of unplanned commercial establishments brings about unwanted traffic congestion and unwanted transient persons to residential communities that should only be containing houses, schools, churches, and public parks.
It is important to note that the presence of these hodge-podge commercial businesses bring about a severe strain upon public safety resources. This practice of “nilly-willy” business license approvals unfairly alters the expectation of a peaceful residential environment.
There is a need to have properly organized and planned commercial and industrial business districts and a centralized town Centre that houses relevant government services.
We must have a mind to build a clean, environmentally friendly, and economically vibrant set of municipal cities that can prosper and grow during periods of economic boom and also withstand sustained periods of slow or flat economic growth.
The communities around the world that weather hard economic times are contained within cities and well-structured towns. In the Bahamas Green Turtle Cay, Marsh Harbor (Abaco) and Spanish Wells (Eleuthera) are examples of structured communities that have weathered economic downturns. These cities/towns have a vibrant city Centre!
In contrast when we look around in many of the communities of Andros, we see many dying towns that once prospered because they had a municipal structure and surrounding support communities.
Fresh Creek and my birthplace, Calabash Bay Andros, are two prime examples of what can happen when there is no municipal structure. What we see today is a set of dying towns with little or no commerce.

If we fail to act without a structured and programmed roadmap, our actions will lead to a cobbled society that is infested with predatory business practices, unregulated growth, inadequate planning and execution of government services, and a community of businesses that make money inside Andros while shipping profits off to New Providence, Abaco, Grand Bahama, and elsewhere.
Hence, it is important that we create a set of viable and well thought out zoning systems and then proceed to build an Andros that shares wealth among its residents and the communities that depend on Andros for economic survival.
If I had a magic wand for Andros you would see a zoned city that is built using the principles of planning proper roads, utilities, environmentally friendly waste disposal, community parks, and the pertinent amenities that develop a growing and vibrant city Centre.

The businesses we bring to Andros must conduct their affairs in a manner to earn a fair profit while creating career opportunities for residents of Andros. These businesses must create an environment that foster entrepreneurial opportunities for Androsians.
With respect to Construction, Andros based Construction Companies and Material Suppliers must be given prime opportunities to participate in all construction activities now and in the future.
Provision must be made to train and certify skilled craftsmen and construction support personnel. Joint Venture relationships should be encouraged in cases where local entities are lacking in experience and the ability to bond larger projects.
To fix Andros, “we” must decide our targeted population size.
Knowing the target population will allow for Government to plan and provide needed support services and pertinent resources such as utilities, waste collection and disposal, telecommunication needs, and related Government Services such as healthcare, public safety, and educational facilities.
When we know the population size, we can calculate the expected Government revenue and be able to pay for the costs of these services.
The Local Government must be permitted to develop economic solutions in a manner that derive revenues benefits which are essential to its very existence. Some form of measurable revenue generation will need to be pursued. These revenue generation mechanisms, in the form of attractive investments tied to eco-tourism and agriculturally based trade with New Providence, Grand Bahama, Eleuthera, Abaco, and Exuma are ideal targets for Andros.
- To improve Local Government, we will need to enlist a form of Leadership that is integrity based, independent in its decision making, and free from the controls of politically hitched party-politics.
- With respect to potential and future investments there is much talk about farming, the development/expansion of Morgan’s Bluff, and the Fresh Creek Channel.
- I submit today that these major investments have the ability to positively shift the economic curves for Andros and a potential to create new personal wealth for local residents. Hence, safeguarding the unfettered right to beneficial ownership and maximum participation beyond the levels of maids, taxi drivers, and domestic work should be a priority for the Local Government.
- The Leaders of Local Government must never be perceived to be or become puppets, pawns, or political hacks in their execution of duties and responsibilities.
- In addition to safeguarding the economic pie, your Local Government must commit to protect the Natural Resources of Andros. We cannot allow devastation of our forests, our creeks and streams, reefs, and shorelines. You Local Leaders cannot wine, dine, coddle, snuggle, and break bread with those that destroy our environment and still expect to be the Leaders of the Community. This is an unacceptable practice that we must not condone.
- Those that dredge the Andros seabed without proper approvals, construct unauthorized structures, and destroy our forests without legal authorization are enemies of Andros. When you dredge the seabed and destroy marine habitat without the submission of necessary Environmental approvals you should be prosecuted.
- There must never be a compromise that permits or encourages the destruction of our Natural Resources and the eco systems of Andros.
The role of the Central Government is to set a framework for the sensible and timely implementation of:
- Governing Policies
- Fair & Just Taxation
- Programming & Delivery of Government Services (Ambulance, Fire, Medical, etc.)
- Equitable Access to Government Approvals
- Public Safety
- Protection against Predatory Commercial Practices by Special Interest
- Protection of the Natural Environment & Natural Resources of Andros
- Develop a Positive Working Relationship with Private Sector
- Free and Unfettered Access to Business Opportunities for Androsians
A growing Andros will require an upgrade and an upkeep of Utilities such as electricity, potable water, and wastewater. It would be reckless to proceed in developing Andros without ensuring that the future development activities are able to provide a designated set of revenue that is capable to pay for itself in the form of revenue to the Government of The Bahamas and the Local Government of Andros.
Economic Growth and Development should lead to increased jobs, and a better quality of life for Androsians.
The Cost of Electricity to residents and the business community (present and future) is a major stumbling block and deterrent to the quality of life and sustainability of future development. The provision of electricity generation solutions for Andros should incorporate a strategic relationship with BAMSI and major agricultural farming projects approved for Andros.
A technical solution for the supply of electricity can include a Biomass Fired Power Plant in close proximity to BAMSI. This Facility can serve to produce electricity using multiple feedstocks such as woody biomass, municipal solid waste (garbage), and propane.
In moving forward, the future of North and Central Andros must be anchored to Morgan’s Bluff/Nichols Town and Fresh Creek. These cities hold the key to a vibrant and significant future growth. The distribution and benefit from earned wealth must be targeted towards present and future generations of Androsians. The solutions that we bring must empower local residents to become land owners and business entrepreneurs and the end result has to yield the development of a robust middle-class sector that realizes a comfortable and safe life experience.
To achieve a better life in Andros, we will need to:
- Protect our Natural Environment and Eco Systems from economic predators
- We must uphold and respect the law of the land….
- Eliminate the Hiring of Undocumented/Unauthorized Workers
- Treat each other with Respect – the Notion of Influencing Decisions related to major investments, key licenses, and granting of public land must always be fair and equitable
- Assemble our brightest minds……. crossing the boundaries and partnering with Bahamians that are competent, willing to invest, and are committed to the structured growth and development of a Bahamas that is safe, prosperous, and respectful…
- And most importantly, we must rid ourselves of Community Leaders who sell our birthright to the highest bidder for personal gain and self-gratification….
In closing I say, let’s build a zoned city that is vibrant, clean, and promotes a sustainable and prosperous family life!
Here is a mathematical sample…..that can show generated revenue at a sale of $5 per cubic yard…
Assume you have 4,000 feet x 4,000 feet area that is dredged to a depth of 60 feet.
This excavation will yield approximately 960,000,000 cubic feet of dredge material…
This when converted to cubit yards is 35,555,555 cubic yards of dredged material.
Hypothetically, if we receive $5 per cubic yard, the revenue will be: $178 million per year….
This is an estimate…….