WASHINGTON, D.C., October 13, 2019 — Jenny Russell, a photographer at the Freeport News in Grand Bahama, posted this photo of her and a group of former Freeport News reporters on her Facebook page. Although I was Editor of the Freeport News from 2003 to 2009, only Jenny and Lededra Ferguson Marche worked with me during my tenure. In fact, I hired Jenny, who is an excellent photographer, in either 2004 or 2005.

Given the devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian in Grand Bahama, it was good to see that these ladies seemed to have “weathered” the ravages of Dorian quite well, so I simply had to share this photo of them enjoying what Jenny described as “a ladies night out.” For some reason or the other, I did not immediately recognize Lededra Marche, who was one of my Senior Reporters. In response to my email asking if the person I thought was Lededra was indeed her, Jenny sent the following email:

“Yes, that is Lededra Marche. All the ladies in that photo are former reporters of The Freeport News. I am the only one who is still employed there. We got together at Sabors restaurant on Saturday, October 12, just to catch up and fellowship with each other. We formed a bond with each other that still continues today. Everyone has moved on to different careers and stages in life, but the friendships we formed will remain strong. From left is Sharell Lockhart, Nina Laing, Lededra Marche, Jenneva Russell and Ashley Penn-Nixon.”