(EDITOR’S NOTE: I simply had to share this excellent post on Facebook by Seabreeze MP and Minister for CARICOM Leslia Brice with readers of BAHAMAS CHRONICLE as a Guest Commentary. As a Bahamian living in the diaspora in Washington, D.C., I fully enjoyed watching the spectacular independence productions on ZNS-TV. Congratulations are certainly in order for Mrs. Brice and her organizing team.)
NASSAU, Bahamas, July 23, 2022 — It was an honour of a lifetime to have been asked to Chair our national independence observances for the 49th, 50th and 51st independence celebrations.

I am deeply grateful to the members of the Independence Celebrations Committee as well as the amazing staff of the Ministry of Youth Sports and Culture who have worked so hard to plan and execute a moving and dynamic calendar of activities and celebrations for the month of July showcasing our Bahamian history, culture and spirit.
All that we have experienced thus far, and we continue to experience in the Countdown to 50, reflects their herculean efforts and to each of them I can only continue say thank you.
I would also like to send a Big THANK YOU to The Royal Bahamas Police Force, The Royal Bahamas Defence Force, The Urban Renewal Band, The All-Star Band, Cabinet Office, The Ministry of Public Works, The Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas, The Ministry of Health, Bahamas Information Services, Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, The Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Protocol Division, The Bahamas Public Parks and Public Beach Authority, The Governor General Office, The Love and Unity Junkanoo Corporation, Zamar Group of Companies, MOVI Group, Baha Mar Resort, Producers, Directors, Hosts, Script Writers, Bahamian Artists, Cultural Enthusiasts, Actors and The Independence Secretariat Committee.
The countdown to 50 Begins…
#celebratebahamas #bahamasindependence