(EDITOR’S NOTE: After reading a BREAKING NEWS article posted on Facebook claiming that WSC Chairman Adrian Gibson “has been caught red-handed awarding six-figure payments to a company co-owned by his fiancee and a woman believed to be Gibson’s relative,” I decided to run the article in BAHAMAS CHRONICLE because the detailed information appeared to be very credible. I noted at the time that at the very least, an official statement on what was alleged should be forthcoming from Mr. Gibson, who today released the following statement that BAHAMAS CHRONICLE is pleased to publish. Here is that statement.)
NASSAU, Bahamas, August 29, 2021 — In recent days, I became aware of false allegations that have been making the rounds on social media and in some quarters of the mainstream media.
It is so unfortunate that local politics has descended to this point. It is sad that the silly season and mudslinging is not only trying to drag my public reputation through the mud but also the hard-working men and women at WSC, private individuals and Bahamian small businesses. They don’t deserve this.
I wish to address the issues at hand:
1. A few years ago, WSC issued cleaning memorandums for the provision of yard cleaning and ground maintenance services to a number of vendors. These memos were issued to clean various sites and operational compounds. The agreements also called for the monthly maintenance of these sites over a particular period. Notably, more than a dozen vendors received such memos. Given that WSC set the rates for cleaning/maintenance (and the same has been done for many years prior to my tenure), interested vendors could either accept offers for the provision of yard cleaning and ground maintenance services or reject the same. A broad swath of vendors were considered.
The Corporation awarded a contract to a company whose principals engaged the Attorney in question (“the Attorney”) to provide corporate services and, pursuant to Bahamian law, to act as subscribers/nominee shareholders to form the company as is legally required. I am advised that sometime after the formation of the said company, the shares were distributed to the beneficial owners as directed.
I am advised that while they were in the process of formalizing their corporate affairs (and even after) she was legally authorized to act on their behalf. The Attorney did not solicit any contract on behalf of the company.
The Attorney was engaged by private individuals and it was upon that basis that the corporation interacted with her. I am further advised that — having legal authority to represent her clients — the attorney was authorized to sign on their behalf. I have been advised that the attorney – at a later juncture – issued correspondence to the Corporation’s General Manager, advising that she was no longer authorized to act on behalf of the company as agent and requested an amendment of WSC’s records to reflect the same. A subsequent correspondence was received from the company.
At a later date, the company in question submitted a bid as part of the Corporation’s normal contracting process. That bid went through the internal procedures put in place and was found to be among the three lowest who were ultimately given work. At the time of that engagement, I am advised that the attorney was no longer involved with the company in any capacity.
As far as I am aware, the Attorney operated in a legal and professional capacity. I cannot speak to the extent of that capacity nor do I have any other information about the affairs of a private company. I can only speak to the Corporation’s policy, which does not restrict any vendor’s discretion to choose who they wish to engage to carry out their affairs.
2. I have absolutely no beneficial interest or any other interest in the company Elite Maintenance.
3. I can confirm that WSC has entered into various contracts/letters of acceptance/memos with many companies during my tenure — of all political stripes; with men and women; for works from construction to cleaning to engineering to pipe works to repairs, etcetera. Each of those companies have been – to my knowledge – held to the same rigorous standards.
4. My personal bank account information that is referenced is actually being taken from a police file that I initiated because of what I viewed as inappropriate contact from a contractor. It is out of that effort for transparency and clarity that the lies, innuendos, doctored documents and half-truths are now appearing on social media.
Sometime in 2020, I signed a police report about a matter concerning a rogue WSC contractor. Prior to the issuance of tender for two Caribbean Development Bank projects, an overzealous and rogue contractor — who was interested in those contracts — deposited funds on to a shared bank account. The funds were deposited in December 2018 – on the same day that the tenders were published. I immediately reported it to the bank and to the
police. I requested that the bank immediately remove the said funds from the account, which they did and, upon their internal investigation, the bank issued a letter of apology to me, which I still have. The contractor was subsequently charged and the matter remains before the courts.
The leaked, falsified and misidentified documents and information disseminated on social media are attacking me and private citizens. It is disgusting thWater and Sewerage Corporation (WSC) Chairman Adrian Gibson has been caught red-handed awarding six-figure payments to a company co-owned by his fiancee and a woman believed to be Gibson’s relative.at politics has sunken to this level. However, I am undeterred in my pursuit of a second term of service to my constituents so that I can continue to advocate on their behalf.