NASSAU, Bahamas, July 26, 2021 – Responding to the most recent Emergency Orders imposed by the government, Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Opposition Leader Philip “Brave” Davis tonight release the following “Guidance to PLP Candidates” in a statement to the media:
“The following guidance was shared with PLP candidates this morning:
As we are all aware, the Emergency Orders restrict campaigning and canvassing to vaccinated individuals.
The “Competent” Authority permits many activities which pose a much greater risk of transmission of COVID.
As we examine avenues for legal recourse, we ask that you follow the Emergency Orders. Candidates and their teams cannot ‘campaign’ if unvaccinated.
However, although you are — for the moment — restricted from ‘campaigning’, the right to free speech has not been extinguished. You are free to converse with Bahamians about any topics you wish, including the economic and health crisis.
The government has failed badly to prepare the country for the Delta variant. We are facing a serious health crisis, one that is already overwhelming the public health system and is likely to seriously worsen.
The decision regarding vaccination remains a personal one. We continue to encourage all to get vaccinated. This remains the best way to protect yourself from serious disease and hospitalization.”