The Hon. Alfred Sears, QC, Minister of Works and Utilities, and his wife Marion, who is also a noted attorney.

NASSAU, Bahamas, June 6, 2022 – The Hon. Alfred Sears, QC, Minister of Works and Utilities and MP for Fort Charlotte,  today released the following statement:

My daughter, Nia, and six other passengers traveling from Long Island to Nassau were involved in a plane crash around 9:00 a.m., Sunday, June 5, 2022, when the aircraft crashed shortly after takeoff.  My wife, Marion, received a telephone call from Allicia Rolle, one of Nia’s friends, a survivor on the plane with a working cell phone, informing us at 9:20 am of the plane crash.

Unfortunately, Alethia Newbold, a young mother of a seven-month-old baby, tragically lost her life. On behalf of my wife Marion, my daughters Ife and Nia, we extend our deepest condolences to her family and friends and may her soul rest in peace.

Surely, you can imagine that the frenzy and trauma have truly left us all shaken. However, we are immensely grateful to God for sparing the lives of our loved ones, as we are taught as believers in God, that “in all things give thanks”.

The rescue of the survivors was difficult and courageous.  The rescuers had to cut through miles of inaccessible marshland and rocky terrain to reach the crash site and assist the survivors.  Police Superintendent McGregor led the police search and rescue team.  I telephoned Mr. Stefan Knowles, at 9:39 am, who was about to take a plane from Long Island to Exuma.  Stefan immediately volunteered to lead a search and rescue team and directed the pilot coming for him to divert to make an aerial location of the crash site.  When I heard from Stefan again, he had reached the crash site and was assisting the survivors.  Unfortunately, Stefan injured his foot in assisting the survivors.  I wish Stefan a speedy and full recovery.  I also spoke by telephone with Senator Tyrel Young, who was in Long Island, at 10:01 am.  Tyrel immediately volunteered to mobilize a team to join the rescue efforts, Tyrel also called from the crash site.  Numerous other volunteers in Long Island joined the search for and rescue of the survivors of the plane crash.  We are grateful for your selfless assistance.

I thank Prime Minister Philip Davis, Minister of Health Dr. Michael Darville, Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe, Director of Aviation Dr. Kenneth Romer and Deputy Commissioner of Police Clayton Fernander for mobilizing the security, medical and emergency services response in the immediate aftermath of the crash and keeping me briefed on the progress.  I also thank Dr. Hubert Minnis, who had called me to request my assistance with a constituency concern in Killarney, for his quick telephone call to Allicia Rolle to render telemedical guidance and advice to survivors.  Dr. Pamela Etuk, Nia’s aunt, also intervened by telephone to render advice concerning apparent injuries of Nia.

We are grateful for the medical care given by Doctors James Iferenta, Aslphaeus Allick, Dr. Ross Downes, emergency services personnel, nurses and staff in Long Island and in Nassau for their efficient and expert medical care of Nia and the other survivors.  We are grateful for the quick and critical assistance by the United States for providing helicopter transport of the survivors from Long Island to Nassau.

We would also like to thank everyone who has called, sent messages, and who kept us in your thoughts and prayers.

Marion, Ife and I as well as our entire family appreciate your love and your concern, and we wish the remaining survivors a speedy recovery!

As we embrace and hold each other tightly, although shaken . . . we are still here!  We thank God.


Alfred M Sears, QC