FREEPORT, The Bahamas — The following Regulatory Statement on Grand Bahama Utility Company’s 100% Potable Water Supply Island-wide was released on Monday, December 13, 2021, by Nakira Wilchcombe, Vice President of Building And Development Services, GBPA:
“The Grand Bahama Port Authority, Limited (GBPA), as the regulatory authority with responsibility for the utility sector in Grand Bahama and oversight of the Grand Bahama Utility Company Limited (GBUC), has completed the necessary framework required to declare that GBUC now provides potable water to 100% of Grand Bahama residents.
Following the completion of GBUC’s $5 million Reverse Osmosis (RO) installation last month, the Environmental Department of GBPA monitored the commissioning process for thirty (30) days to ensure that the system was functioning adequately and at the specifications prescribed by the World Health Organizations for potable water.
Water potability means that the water supply filtered through the RO system and being distributed in the community has been treated and tested to ensure that there is no more salt inundation and is safe for human consumption. Residents are able to safely use the water for cooking, cleaning, bathing, drinking and more.
Now that 100% of the island has potable water, it is our regulatory responsibility to ensure that the Reverse Osmosis system is maintained and fully functional to consistently provide fresh water to our residents.”