(EDITOR’S NOTE: I was compelled  to share his powerfully inspiring post by my Facebook friend Annette Seymour with readers of BAHAMAS CHRONICLE as a Guest Commentary.)

NASSAU, Bahamas, December 21, 2021 — As I reflected on my devotional, the word that stood out most to me was “worry.”  If you are reading this, it is my prayer that you do not think about the things to come; none of us have control over that part of our life, but rather enjoy this moment, this very second that God has allowed you to see.  Do not think about the next second because I can assure you that God has everything under control.


The flip flops of life have allowed me to trust God deeper than I ever had before. He alone knows what my next second holds. He alone knows the exact number of hair on my head, and He alone knows the exact number of breaths that I will take. Therefore, I do not have to think about what’s next, much less ‘worry’ about it. Worry is the devil’s workshop, so whenever I get in a state of worry, I slap my shoulder and say, “Devil, you have no business here, get of off me!”

People, if you’re in a state of worry or going through some form of anxiety pang during this Christmas season, I hope you will allow God to comfort you today. Whatever you feel worried or anxious about, please turn it over to God and leave it with Him. Please know this: the battle that you are faced with today is not your own; take no claim, it belongs to God. Be encouraged!


Dear Father God, I come in Your presence reflecting on the Serenity Prayer as it gives hope to the broken hearted, hope to those who are worried, in distress, and cannot shake anxiety off.

Oh, Father God, those who are worried today, “grant them the serenity to accept the things they cannot change; courage to change the things they can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; taking, as You did, this sinful world as it is, not as they would have it; trusting that You, Father God will make all things right if they surrender to Your will; that they will be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You Forever in the next. Amen!”