FLASHBACK: In this photo published in The Freeport News, on  their arrival in Freeport on December 14, 2019, four monhs after hurricane Dorian,  Sunwing passegers were welcomed by  GBPA  Acting Chairman Sara St. George (second from right), GBPA President Ian Rolle (right) and other officials.

FREEPORT, Grand Bahama, August 11, 2022 — The Ministry of Tourism, Investments and Aviation has announced that Sunwing Airlines is set to return to The Bahamas with an inaugural flight to Freeport scheduled for December 17, 2022.

FLASHBACK; Sunwing passegers also were welcomed by a junkaoo group,

There will be a soft welcome for Sunwing when it arrives with our visitors and stakeholders in the tourism industry. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investments and Aviation, The Hon. Chester Cooper has welcomed the development as a signal that confidence in the resurgence of Grand Bahama as a major tourist destination is growing. Cooper shared the fact that Sunwing has not landed in Freeport since the COVID-19 pandemic began and that their return to Grand Bahama Island this holiday season speaks to the viability of the product.

Minister for Grand Bahama Ginger Moxey

“Airlift and stopover visitors are critical to the economy of Grand Bahama and this will provide a much-needed boost for the tourism economy. With our plans to redevelop the airport after Hurricane Dorian ravaged it, and the transformation of the Grand Lucayan Resort, we believe the potential for Grand Bahama really is limitless.”

Minister for Grand Bahama Ginger Moxey said the world is beginning to get the message that Grand Bahama is open for business.

“Sunwing’s return is a welcomed development for Grand Bahama Island. This service is indicative of the growth of the tourism sector and signals a major step in Grand Bahama’s recovery and revitalization,” Moxey said.

Visitors will get to explore and experience our island and its diverse offerings and sends a distinct message to the world that Grand Bahama is indeed open for business and better than ever. We remain open to strategic partnerships and collaboration.”

Industry partners should look forward to more news about Grand Bahama in short order that supports confidence of an imminent turnaround.

NOTE: Sunwing Airlines Inc. is a Canadian low-cost airline headquartered in Toronto, Ontario.