Dr. Marcus Bethel, left; his wife, Chantal, third left; and their sons present a check for $100,000 to Dr. Rodney Smith, for the establishment of the Jane and Marcus Bethel $100,000 Scholarship Award in memory of Dr. Bethel’s parents – Marcus Bethel, founder of Bethel Brothers Morticians, and his wife, Jane Fitzroy Bethel (nee Butler). The award to the university is for the establishment of entry-level scholarships for needy students and awards for student travel abroad experiences. Awardees are required to maintain a grade point average of 3.00 and be full-time students with 12 or more credits. UNIVERSITY OF THE BAHAMAS

NASSAU, Bahamas — Growing up, “liberty is through education” was the adage that resonated through the home of the late Marcus Bethel, founder of Bethel Brothers Morticians, entrepreneur and patriarch, with seven children — Justice Rubie M. Nottage (ret.), Dr. Pamela F. Etuk, Dr. Marcus R. C. Bethel, Dr. Paulette A. Bethel, Michael Bethel, Marion Bethel Sears and Owen M. Bethel. He and his wife, the late Jane Fitzroy Bethel (nee Butler), believed in the transformative power of education. Though the couple did not have the opportunity to graduate from high school, they instilled in their progeny the value of a sound education.

“My father ensured that all of his young girls would be educated. There were four of us out of seven and he said to each one of us, ‘I may not be able to leave properties and land for you, but if you have a good education, no man can take that away from you’,” recalled Nottage, the oldest Bethel daughter. “Holding his hand very strongly was my mother. Together they saw this vision of educating their children.”