Ricardo P. Deveaux, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and Technical and Vocational Training


NASSAU, Bahamas, Sept. 14, 2022 — It was on Monday, September 14, 1992, I reported to the Ministry of Education for the first day of my employment. I got there at 8am for my 9am appointment with Permanent Secretary Mr. Luther Smith.

I met his secretaries Angela M. Phillips and Sheryl Knowles, who made me feel welcome. I was assigned to the Permanent Secretary’s Office and began an exciting journey. I started as a Trainee Executive Officer. I shared an office for with Raynard Rigby, who was about to leave to begin Law School. For about six weeks, he would spend time training me to take over his duties. One of the assignments was taking the Minutes of the Executive Managers Meeting between the Minister, the Permanent Secretary, Director of Education and Executive/Senior Level Managers. This was an extremely confidential assignment because you knew every important decision that was being considered or executed.

As I reflect on the past 30 years as a Public Officer, I truly can say that I have experienced a number of postings. Began in the Permanent Secretary’s Office at Ministry of Education. I was assigned to Permanent Secretary Luther Smith, then Permanent Secretary Wendell Major; worked in the Scholarship Section with Under Secretary Rosemae Thompson; in Human Resources with Deputy Permanent Secretary Donella Bodie.

In 1994, I was seconded to the Bahamas Tourism Training Centre along with Margaret Duncombe for six months as the Assistant Administrator. (Ironically, I was there when Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II officially opened the Centre).

In 1998, I was promoted to Administrative Cadet and was given a 15-month rotation at The Cabinet Office, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Public Works.

In 1999, I was seconded to the Royal Bahamas Police Force, Human Resources Department for two years to work along with Under Secretary Donella Bodie.

In October 2001, I was posted to the Department of Housing with Chief Housing Officer Lorraine Symonette Armbrister. One year later, I was transferred to the Ministry of Housing with Permanent Secretary Leila Greene and was assigned to the Public Rental Unit Section.

In October 2007, I was posted to the Ministry of Youth, Sports & Culture to administer the SelfStarters Program. This was an interesting assignment as we got to see many young people who were able to be assisted with their $5,000.00 Grant to start their small business. I was also fortunate to be assigned to work along with Permanent Secretaries Elma Garraway, Archie Nairn and Nicole Campbell and Director of Youth Autherine Turnquest-Hanna.

From September 2008 – December 2008, I was assigned to sit in on the weekly Cabinet Meetings of Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and his Cabinet to work along with Secretary to the Cabinet Wendell Major. It was an interesting experience to be able to sit in on the weekly Cabinet Meetings and to witness first-hand how decisions were made. (PLEASE DON’T ASK WHAT HAPPEN…I AM SWORN TO SECRECY)

In January 2012, I began a new assignment that I enjoyed. I was assigned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work with Under Secretary Janeen McCartney in the Administration Section. During this posting, I received a Chinese Government Fellowship and spent a month at Peking University, China and received a Certificate in Public Administration.

Then, In May 2013, I got a letter stating that I was being posted to the Ministry of Public Service. I was a bit shocked at this posting because I thought that I was going to be at Foreign Affairs, a bit longer…So, I packed my bags and moved again…. Oh what an experience.

This was an extremely SHORT assignment…Thanks to my colleagues who made it enjoyable because….

Then, In October 2013, I was invited to become a part of the newly reestablished Ministry of Labour and National Insurance. During this period, I received my promotions to First Assistant Secretary and Deputy Permanent Secretary.

In September 2021, I was transferred to the Ministry of Education. I was a bit shocked that I was making a circle, back to the place where it began. This time once again working with Mrs. Lorraine Symonette-Armbrister, this time as my Permanent Secretary.

So, there you have it….30 Years or 10,957 days later.

It has been a journey…sometimes great…some disappointments…sometimes asking why I accepted that offer in 1992, but all in all, I will seek to do my best!!!!

Ricardo P. Deveaux, DHL
Deputy Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Education & Technical & Vocational Training

EDITOR’S NOTE: When I saw this post on Facebook, I was compelled to share it as a Guest Commentary with readers of BAHAMAS CHRONCLE. I have known Ricardo from he was a “toddler” and he is an excellent example of the impact good parenting can have on a young person. I don’t know Ricardo’s mother that well, but his father, Edward “Shark” Deveaux, is one of my very best friends from childhood days.

“Shark” is unquestionably one of the most knowledgeable sports historians in The Bahamas, but more importantly, he has always been a hard-working, dedicated “family man.” Almost on a daily basis, no matter how engrossed our regular group of friends were in whatever we were discussing at the club where we religiously frequented after work, at a certain time “Shark” would leave to have dinner with his family.