WASHINGTONN, D.C., August 11, 2022 –While visiting Washington, D.C., on official business on Thursday, August 11, Ms. Usha E. Pitts, Charge d’ Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Nassau, made a courtesy call on His Excellency Wendall Jones, Bahamas Ambasdador to the United States,
Ms. Pitts and the Ambassador used the opportunity to discuss matters of mutual interest between the two countries and the level of cooperation between the Embassies of both countries.
U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Pitts began her tour at the U.S. Embassy in the Bahamas on New Year’s Day, 2021. In the past, she served at diplomatic posts in Russia, Cuba, Italy, Austria, Panama, and Brazil. She has also served in Washington, D.C. and New York City, according to information on The U.S. Embassy in The Bahamas website.
As the Diplomat in Residence for New York City, Ms. Pitts traveled a region of 45 million Americans, recruiting aspiring diplomats and promoting public service. During her most recent tour abroad, Ms. Pitts led the U.S. Consulate General in Recife, a seaside city in Brazil’s growing Northeast region. Ms. Pitts also worked in Rome and Vienna as a U.S. liaison to international organizations dealing with food security and atomic energy.
During her tour in Washington, Ms. Pitts supervised a team in the State Department’s Operations Center, a 24-hour crisis management and communications center. Earlier in her career, Ms. Pitts worked in Havana, where she tracked the Cuban economy. She began her career at U.S. Embassies in Moscow and Panama City.
Ms. Pitts was born and raised in Massachusetts, the daughter of an interracial marriage. She visited India at age 11, an experience that led to a lifetime of travel and an eventual career in the Foreign Service. She speaks Chinese, Russian, German, Spanish, and Portuguese. She holds degrees from the University of Massachusetts, the George Washington University, and the Naval War College. Her husband Paul Nicklin, a British citizen, accompanied her to The Bahamas. They have two adult children.