Virginia “Ginny” Thomas, a long-time conservative activist and the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, was one of more than 60 signatories to the open letter that  asked House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to “act immediately to remove” Reps Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger from the Republican conference “due to their egregious actions as part of the House of Representative’s January 6th Select Committee”.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The wife of one of the Supreme Court justices who could be charged with deciding whether the House January 6th select committee can view Trump administration White House records has signed on to an open letter calling for the committee’s two Republican members to be ousted from the  GOP conference. 

Virginia “Ginny” Thomas, a long-time conservative activist and the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, was one of more than 60 signatories to the open letter, which was organised by the pro-Trump Conservative Action Project and asks House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to “act immediately to remove” Reps Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger from the Republican conference “due to their egregious actions as part of the House of Representative’s January 6th Select Committee”.

It further accuses the two GOP House members of having “deliberately sought to undermine the privacy and due process of their fellow Republicans, and those of private citizens, with improperly issued subpoenas and other investigatory tactics” and complains that their participation in the House’s investigation into the worst attack on the Capitol since 1814 “have given supposedly bipartisan justification to an overtly partisan political persecution that brings disrespect to our country’s rule of law, legal harassment to private citizens who have done nothing wrong, and which demeans the standing of the House”.

The list of signatories includes a veritable who’s who of names from the Trump wing of the GOP, including Reagan-era attorney general Ed Meese, ex-Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, former senator Jim DeMint, and American Conservative Union chairman Matt Schlapp, as well as two attorneys who helped perpetuate former president Donald Trump’s false claims of election fraud in the weeks prior to the 6 January insurrection, Cleta Mitchell and Jenna Ellis.

But the inclusion of Mrs. Thomas as a signer of a letter denouncing the investigation into the attack on the Capitol is controversial in and of itself because her husband is set to vote on whether the court will hear arguments in Mr Trump’s bid to block the National Archives and Records Administration from releasing White House records to the committee.

Although her husband is duty-bound to keep any political opinions to himself and out of his jurisprudence, Mrs. Thomas has long been a high-level player in GOP activist circles, and was known to be a key behind-the-scenes adviser to Mr Trump during his presidency. See complete article IN WORLD NEWS at https://theworldnews.net/gb-news/wife-of-supreme-court-justice-who-praised-capitol-rioters-wants-cheney-and-kinzinger-out-of-gop-for-investigating-it