(EDITOR’S NOTE: My Facebook friend Rosemary Clarice Hanna brought this excellent commentary written by Patricia Glinton-Meicholas to my attention. It was published on March 13, 2019, in the online website of EYEWITNESS NEWS, which in the slightly more than one year since it was launched has established itself as one leading news medium in The Bahamas.
One of the issues Mrs. Glinton-Meicholas raises also arrested my attention when I saw the same Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture advertisement “Honouring Bahamian Women at the Forefront in Honour of International Women’s Day 2019”. Her points-of-view mirror my reaction when I saw the attempts being made to redefine genuine historical accomplishments in this county. Fortunately, we have “historians” like Mrs. Glinton-Meicholas who removed the “political veneer” from this shameful attempt to distort our history. My thanks to EYEWITNESS NEWS for publishing this very insightful “editorial.”)
I was honoured to be a guest on a new radio show on 2019’s International Women’s Day (IWD). I was even more gratified to be in the fine company of the woman host and the two other guests—another woman and a man, all of whom were highly knowledgeable and engaged. Better still, it was clear that all four of us, host and guests, were agreed that “Balance Is Better”, which recognizes that the axis of our fight should be the achievement of gender equity in basic human rights, in citizens’ rights and, certainly equity in opportunities.
Are we there yet? Based on my daily experiences and the calls the radio host fielded, I would say decidedly not. Of all the telephone calls and texts our host fielded, the overwhelming majority came from men. Except for a few bright sparks, who demonstrated a respect for women and the need for gender equity, the others obviously took their brief on women from a theological perspective that would hold us in eternal servitude to men. https://ewnews.com/womens-day-are-we-there-yet?fbclid=IwAR0icJH970Fqux7R0y8rzmHw_CGqthi09WOtoOQkT2S0iEVnik33dc7tJoY