PARTNERSHIP FOR RECOVERY: GBPA in collaboration with Mercy Corps (MC), a leading global humanitarian organization, today, announced the Restoring Industries and Sustaining Employment (RISE) Initiative. Under this initiative, micro, small and medium businesses, suffering damages or loss as a direct result of the passage of Hurricane Dorian may be eligible to receive RISE grants up to $10,000. Pictured from left to right: Kimberly Miller, Sr. Manager GBPA Group Corporate Affairs; Karla McIntosh, Group General Counsel; Deann Seymour, Chief Financial Officer; Pete Sweetnam, in country Director, Mercy Corps; Ian Rolle, GBPA Group President; Sarah St. George, GBPA Acting Chairman; Henry St. George, Director GBPA; Greg Laroda, President, Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce; and Derek Newbold, Sr. Manager Business Development.

FREEPORT, Grand Bahama, December 4, 2019 — Micro, small and medium businesses now have access to much-needed funding as they prepare for the upcoming holiday season. The Grand Bahama Port Authority, Limited (GBPA), today announced the Restoring Industries and Sustaining Employment (RISE) Initiative, in collaboration with Mercy Corps (MC), a leading global humanitarian and development organization.

RISE IMPLEMENTATION TEAM: Pictured from left to right, Virginia Cooper, Mercy Corps; LaShawn Dames, GBPA Business Services Manager; Pete Sweetnam, in country Director, Mercy Corps; Henry St. George, Director GBPA; and Derek Newbold, Sr. Manager Business Development.

The RISE initiative will offer grants to at least 100 qualifying local businesses from across Grand Bahama that have suffered losses as a direct result of Hurricane Dorian.  Grants up to $10,000 will be offered, with applicants having access to Mercy Corps’ ground-breaking MicroMentor programme, which pairs business owners with mentors in their sector, to help guide them forward.

According to GBPA Director Henry St. George, the RISE initiative comes as a direct result of GBPA’s post-Hurricane Dorian assessment of nearly 2,000 Licensees.

“Our post-Dorian SME assessment revealed some very sobering data. We learned that nearly 70% of licensees were either uninsured or underinsured; 55% suffered significant damage due to flooding, and while 60% of businesses have re-opened, they continue to struggle to acquire new inventory, replace damaged equipment, and operate in this testing environment,” St. George said.

Click on the following link to read the full story posted on Facebook by the GBPA Public Relations department: