(EDITOR’S NOTE: Although it is short, I had to share this post by Deborah Anderson-Pratt, a Corporate Trainer and Motivational Speaker in Freeport, Grand Bahama, for readers of BAHAMAS CHRONICLE because of the sage, good-sense advice it offers. Deborah wrote a column for The Freeport News when I was its Editor (2003 – 2009) and I always enjoyed reading her erudite articles.)

FREEPORT, Grand Bahama, September 21, 2020 — While watching a TV Talk Show, I heard someone say that 2020 has been a ‘Trash Can’. She went on to say that so much ‘garbage’ has happened this year. While I understood what she was saying, I thought:
2020 should indeed be a trash can, a year that we DUMP all of our garbage. All that we’ve experienced this year with the COVID-19 Pandemic should have caused us to re-evaluate life and get rid of all the trash (people, things, negative thinking) that has been holding us back.
During our isolation periods in lockdown, we should have had lots of time to think about life and what is most important to us. 2020 has afforded us the opportunity to dump all of the garbage out of our lives and focus on our health/wellness, relationships, passions and purpose. It should have caused us to reevaluate how we spend our time and to go after our dreams realizing that life is unpredictable, and just as this pandemic and all that occurred because of it came as a shock to most of us, our lives can change at anytime.
Has this pandemic open your eyes to any garbage/trash in your life that you need to dump?
Let 2020 be your trash can!