Jewel Edwards is described in this brilliantly written tribute to her as “kind, selfless, and disciplined on all dimensions.”

(BAHAMAS CHRONICLE EDITOR’S NOTE: As a devout Roman Catholic, I am also deeply religious and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is in the driver’s seat of my life, so I absolutely had to share this superbly written tribute to Jewel Edwards as a Guest Commentary with readers of my Washington, D.C. – based online publication, BAHAMAS CHRONICLE, which has a huge following among the Bahamian diaspora across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom as well as in The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean.


NASSAU, Bahamas, March 1, 2024 — Everyone honors the preacher. They recognize with great esteem those who stand center stage bearing down upon such moments with grace. However, we often place little to no honor on those who with equal and sometimes more strength make it their goal to uphold such ones.

They are the Aarons and Hurs we tend to bypass because their expression of grace and glory does not at first glance seem deserving of our admiration.

Yet, scripture tells us we should place more honor on those parts of the body which seem less seemly. And today I wish to do that by celebrating the gift that is Jewel Edwards.


Years ago, I watched as Dr. Cindy Trimm ministered powerfully at a gathering wherein the entire room was literally falling from one side to the next like flies. During these moments I saw this immaculately dressed, poised woman who was both alert and the picture of professionalism.

She served with great honor and was gracious in all of of her dealings with those present, even at the tape table she would engage us who were so excited to receive CTMI offerings. Jewel Edwards would demonstrate a dazzling smile, eloquence, and class time and time again whenever I saw her making you feel as if you were the most important individual at that moment.

Over the years I would encounter her continually here and abroad and come to know that this servanthood posture was not a facade but rather a deeply held commitment to advancing the kingdom of God. In fact, if you were to speak with her as I have in the past you would know that very much of what we love and respect in Dr Trimm is embodied within her to the highest degree.

She is kind, selfless, and disciplined on all dimensions. And such is why for what I assume is decades she labored not only under the leadership of a globally respected Ambassador of Goodwill but also beside her.

If you were to watch videos and comb through you will see her perpetually as a handmaiden and minister aiding another in service to the Body of Christ literally across the nations.

Additionally, she is a  BAHAMIAN woman who’s love for God years ago took her across the world causing lives to be impacted.

And at this juncture she is still working tirelessly to make lives better here in this country. You can see her on ZNS NEWS on occasion when initiatives are being done that are philanthropic in nature. And her concerns still remain clearly for the edification of society.

Women like her are often the unsung heroes of our day. Theirs is a history of resilience, standing in the dark so that others can be seen in the light, sacrificing days, weeks, months, and years to the end that humanity can be changed for the good.

Her credibility is sure. Her reputation is spotless. Her devotion is clear. And her work testifies across many spheres.

You may not hear her voice but be assured she has done SO MUCH. And I am happy that in some way I can safely attest to the light that she bears

So Lady Edwards this is just a simple way of saying THANK YOU for the work you’ve done and the ways you’ve extended yourself to me and thousands across the world. Your willingness as an administrative and hospitality force is still going on and on and on.

Happy Women’s month to this expression of goodness. And if you ever meet her give her a big hug and bless her because she is deserving.