BAHAMAS CHRONICLE EDITOR’S NOTE: I ran across this beautifully written, introspective article on Facebook that was written by Chrishna Bowe, who lives in Freeport, Grand Bahama. I absolutely had to share it as a Guest Commentary with readers of my Washington, D.C. – based online publication, BAHAMAS CHRONICLE, which has a huge following among the Bahamian diaspora across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom as well as in The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean.


FREEPORT, Grand Bahama, March 26, 2024 — The truth will set you free…or will it? Do we really buy into this? The Bible tells us this, but yet we find this concept hard to grasp. So many times, I just want to shout, say what you want to say! Even if it hurts, most times being upfront is always best in the long run.

Chrishna Bowe and her husband Clifford Bowe

But only the brave dare embrace this concept. In fact, you can be ridiculed and ostracized if you practice this approach. I think it’s because society has just endorsed playing “mind games”. Somehow, we think that not being honest and trying to outsmart, undermine and trick each other is the way to go. Life becomes a game of cat and mouse.

I am so simple in this way. Again, I just want to shout, say what you want to say! Let me know your honest thoughts. Even if we disagree or don’t see eye to eye, it’s always best in any situation to be open. It makes for the best relationships always — be it at home, at work, at church or wherever you gather with others.

God in his infinite wisdom again told us many times to be honest because he knew ultimately that it would be best for our lives. Lies and deceit all seem to be the easiest route in the present, but most times it is  going to catch up with you. You may not realize it at first and may actually feel like it was the best decision, but rest assured it will manifest its ugly head in some way in your life. Whether it ruins a relationship, creates turmoil, disturbs your peace of mind or brings financial collapse, it will impact you.

In addition, I don’t think many of us realize that life can actually be less stressful when we are upfront. If you are promising to show up, show up! If you don’t want to, then say that. Don’t have someone waiting and waste their time. If you unable to do a favor, just say so. Don’t promise and never fulfill. If you are offended, be grown, say so. Work through it. Be a person who practices honesty and integrity. In the end, it’s OK to displease other persons sometimes. Like the saying goes, “You can’t please all the people all the time”.

Be you, and speak your mind, albeit lovingly, even when it’s not what others want to hear. It’s better and easier for that relationship in the end. Even if it means the end of it, that’s still OK. We won’t be friends with everyone. We won’t gel with everyone. Some person’s energy and direction will not match ours. So again, that’s OK. But say what you have to say.

Have you ever been “ghosted” by someone or are you the coward that does the “ghosting”? It’s not a good feeling either way. I am personally so annoyed at this because I view it as total disrespect. It’s better to say your peace and if necessary, end the contact. You can do that. We have that right and we are all adults. Again, it’s OK and at least that person doesn’t feel frustrated or disrespected because they know where you stand. It’s one of the reasons I do love older persons these days. They be saying their peace and keeping it moving. No lid on their lip, as I like to say. Sometimes it stings and sometimes it’s funny as hell. But in the end, their messages are always clear.

Clarity in life removes confusion and chaos. This in turn leads to us being more emotionally and spiritually well. If only we would be obedient to God, we would reap many more benefits in this life.

So, in closing, please, say what you want to say. Say it respectfully, say it peacefully whenever possible and do good. I always say even if I don’t like it, or you for that matter, at least I can respect you and again that’s OK.

To all my brave people willing to be that person of truth God tells us to be, much respect to you.

Sending lots of love and light to you!
Chrishna Bowe